Who we are and what we do

The council provides an estates management service for land and property in the borough.

Estates Management Services include:

  • Sales, lettings, and acquisitions
  • Property management
  •  Asset valuations
  • Insurance valuations
  • Professional property advice

Property and Asset Management Directorate

This privacy notice only relates to the Property and Asset Management Directorate.

Information we hold about you

To assess applications to lease one of our commercial properties and to execute the lease by collecting rent, carrying out appraisals and reviews, we collect the name of individual tenants and potential tenants or business name, personal addresses, any other relevant addresses, bank details, business plans, accounts and references. We also collect identification documents such as passports and utilities as required under money laundering regulations.

We collect contact details including phone numbers and email addresses for the purpose of communicating directly with you by phone, email or text.

Why we need your information and how we use it

We require the information to grant and administer the lease such as collecting rent, carrying out renewals and reviews and inspections.

To award reliefs and exemptions we require details such as trading accounts, proof of registration for charities etc.

The Lawful basis for the processing

We execute commercial leases within statutory and regulatory guidelines as well as in accordance with industry guidelines. These include:

  • The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
  • RICS Service Charge Guidance Note
  • Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017

We use your information for administering the lease such as collecting rent, carrying out renewals and reviews and inspections.

In accordance with the data protection act 2018, we need a "lawful basis" for collecting and using information about you. There are a variety of different lawful bases for processing personal data which are set out in the data protection act.

The lawful basis on which we rely in order to use the information which we collect about you for the purposes set out in this notice will be: 

  • Public Task
  • Contract
  • Consent

Who your information will be shared with (if applicable)

We will use your information for the purpose of performing all statutory duties related to leasing commercial properties. We will make any disclosures required by law and may also share this information with other bodies responsible for administering public funds.

 We will share information with a third party where you have given us permission to do so.

We will share information with Elected Members of the London Borough of Waltham Forest where they are pursuing their legitimate functions and with members of Parliament for the same reason.

We will share information with contracted external companies who process the data on our behalf.

How long we will keep your information

Tenants’ information will be held for the duration of the lease contract. Your information will be held for 12 months, after which it will be destroyed. For unsuccessful applicants, personal information will be deleted immediately.